
Showing posts from April, 2018

How Does A Conductor Leads An Orchestra?

Long before there were Leonard Bernstein or Igor Stravinsky, there was someone in 709 BC Greece, who was regarded as the ‘Giver of Rhythm’. The person was Pherekydes of Patrae, who led a large group of 800 musicians with the help of a Golden shaft in an up and down movement. The equal movement of his Golden shaft made the musicians begin and close at the same time. Over the years, the nature and work of conductor have shifted and changed over the years, but there is still a mystery over the role of that mystery man on the podium holding a wooden baton . We like to think them kind of as a team manager. But, you can’t specify what they do. Here, you’ll find a precise idea about the piece of work a conductor does. The Conductor Has To Choose The Perfectly Balanced Baton: The conductor chooses his batons according to their preference. Some prefer baton made of woods or some likes Carbon Fiber Expandable Baton . It completely depends on the choice of the conductor. But, the baton ha