
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Feeling Of Conducting An Orchestra For The First Time

If you’re yet to become a music conductor, then you don’t know the feeling of conducting an orchestra. You’ll just stand there, in front of the musicians with your baton. You’ll start the symphony of music by waving your baton to the musicians and they’ll start playing their respective instruments to create magic. Being a conductor feels like, you’re the center of the universe, the light of the opera house will follow you, your musicians will wait for you to move your baton. You have to play the role of a pilot flying a plane. You have to guide them to create good music. All eyes will be on you, everyone in that performance hall will follow your body language, your every move. Make sure to own a good quality durable and balanced baton, preferably a carbon fiber expandable baton , before you start your performance. You need to remember that, you’re completely dependent on the musician's performance. There could be moments when somebody would take a break to drink water or adju